The genesis of Indigenous Architecture and Design Australia (IADA) Aboriginal Corporation, extends back to 2010. A conversation between Rueben Berg (a graduate of architecture from UQ) and proud Gundjitmara man and Jefa Greenaway (registered architect) and proud Wailwan/Kamilaroi + D’harawal man crystallised the realization that there were so few Aboriginal (or Torres Strait Islander) people involved in architecture in Victoria let alone Australia. This reality galvanized these two First Nations men to set in train the creation of the first Indigenous conceived, led and run organization in Victoria centered on Architecture, being Indigenous Architecture Victoria (IAV) Aboriginal Corporation. Subsequently, in 2014 the organization was expanding with many new members and interest from Indigenous people within architecture and allied professions.
As a result IAV became Indigenous Architecture and Design Victoria (IADV) Aboriginal Corporation. The ambition all along was to advocate, give visibility to and showcase the value of Indigenous people to consider architecture and design as a viable area to study, to gain employment and to add value when working with Community. The organization spent its formative years giving talks, raising awareness that Indigenous people are involved in design and architecture, while organizing social and networking events, role modelling and mentoring members, as well as assisting in pathways to University and internships.
After a successful 10 years of operation and transition to co- chairs Kirstine Wallis (Palawa) and Allen Kong ( Palawa ) there was a need to respond to calls by colleagues from across Australia, to create a national peak body to represent an Indigenous built environment design perspective, be more visible, empower the next generation and facilitate voice and agency.
The result being ORIC (Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations) registered Indigenous Architecture and Design Australia (IADA) with DGR (Deductible Gift Recipients ) status. We now encourage all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and allies to join us as we seek to amplify the voice, insights and capacities of First Nations people to shape and inform design and architectural industries into the future.