Academic Overview
Don Soffer Aventura High School will continually adopt innovative instructional methods and technology designed for the digital native learning styles of 21st century students. The school will revolutionize instruction and be recognized as a pioneer in modern high school education.
Learners at Don Soffer Aventura High School will discover their passion and build a bridge between their rigorous high school experience and their future to become impactful global citizens.
Achieving the Commitment will be completed through:
- College Readiness
- Challenge-based Learning
- Community Partnerships
- Student Leadership Opportunities
- Technology-Rich Environment
- Innovative Learning Spaces
- Personalized Learning
- Teacher Professional Development
- Student Advisory
Program of Study
Homework Policy
The importance of homework in promoting academic excellence and self-discipline cannot be over-emphasized.
Grading Policy
Academic grades are to reflect the student's academic progress based on the standards for the grade level/course in which the student is enrolled.
Graduation Requirements
In order to be awarded a standard High School diploma, students must complete our graduation requirements.
Education Model
Our Education Model is based on the works of Robert J. Marzano
Our model follows a cycle of:
- Establishing baseline data
- Data drives approach based on individual student need
- Assessing and grading students based on standards
- Grading and evaluating assessment results
- Reporting feedback and progress to students and parents
- Making a decision to move on or re-teach
Our Guaranteed & Viable curriculum:
- Establishes essential learning and skills by grade-level or course
- Ensures curriculum content can be addressed in real time
Learning Facilitators
- Teachers will work collaboratively to deliver personalized learning
- Learners will be grouped based on readiness, not necessarily just grade level
- Differentiation ensures your student’s needs are truly at the center of his/her learning
- Prepare learners for their future through the 4C’s; Communication, Critical-thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity
- Teachers will facilitate challenge-based learning experiences to help students make real-world and global connections
Cambridge Assessment International Education
Don Soffer Aventura High School allows for students to receive credit with the Cambridge Assessment International Education (AICE) program.
Academic Honor Code
The members of the Don Soffer Aventura High School community believe that the fundamental objective of the school is to provide our students with a quality education while developing in them a sense of ethical purpose and social responsibility. Honesty and trust are integral parts of the learning process and every instance of dishonesty hurts the entire school community.
The Academic Honor Code at Don Soffer Aventura High School is designed to accomplish the following:
- Ensure that students, faculty, and staff understand that it is their responsibility to uphold academic honesty and integrity.
- Prevent students from gaining an unfair advantage over other students through academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, etc.).
- Ensure that students understand that academic dishonesty is a violation of the trust of the entire community.
- Clarify what constitutes academic misconduct and what is expected of students by the faculty, the staff, and their peers.
- Cultivate an environment where academic dishonesty is not tolerated.
The expectation is that all members of the DSAHS community agree to uphold the Honor Code at all times and promise not to commit any acts of academic misconduct. In instances where there exist any acts of academic misconduct, consequences will be given.
School Performance
Visit the F lorida School Grades website , which includes links to School Accountability Reports, downloadable files on school and district performance outcomes, technical assistance guides, and additional resources on school performance