About the School Counselors Chapter
New York City public school counselors are professional educators certified by New York State Department of Education and licensed by New York City Department of Education. School counselors are trained to service the entire K to 12 school communities including students, families, staff and school leadership. School counselors work with school administrators in advocating for programs and services that positively impacts student academic success in alignment with New York State Learning Standards, social emotional development and higher education and career readiness. The framework for the delivery of school counseling practices and services are guided by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and the New York State (NYSSCA) Comprehensive Counseling Models, and the American School Counselor Association’s Ethical Standards.
The School Counselor
- a specialized professional
- committed to the educational and emotional development of children
- helps every student to master the standards
- delivers a comprehensive school guidance and counseling program to every student K-12
- aligns the school counseling program with the mission and vision of each school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP)
- conducts staff and community workshops
- facilitates Crisis Management and Intervention
- enforces the mandates of Child Abuse and Maltreatment
- helps ensure the rights of Students in Temporary Housing (STH)
- educates and upholds rules and regulations as stated in the Chancellor’s Regulations
Students and Schools Benefit from Certified School Counselors and Programs
School guidance counselors collaborate with all members of the school community to develop and deliver a data driven program that supports every student’s academic, career and personal/social development.
Academic Development
- supports student success through study and test taking skills
- contributes to improving student attendance
- ensures students receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
- assures students and families have knowledge of and access to promotion and graduation requirements
- focuses on increased graduation rates
- uses data informed practice to increase opportunity and promote achievement
- supports teachers in their work with students
Personal/Social Development:
- focuses on reducing disciplinary referrals and suspension rates
- positively impact school climate
- helps students acquire resiliency skills
- promotes successful student transition from grade level to grade level
- teaches students mediation and conflict resolution
- facilitates access to community resources
- encourages positive motivation and aspiration
Career/Post-Secondary Development:
- helps students explore postsecondary options including college and career choices
- facilitates the college application process
- engages parents in educational and career planning for their children
- helps parents to navigate the school’s role in the educational process
- provides skills necessary for student success in school, community and the world of work
- connects career goals to educational goals
The School Guidance and Counseling Program
- provides students with knowledge and skills to be effective learners and contributing members of the school community
- is an integral part of the total education program
- guarantees student access to the counselor and the counselor access to the student
- provides developmental as well as prevention and intervention services
- is continuously refined through evaluation which addresses the changing needs of children
- is intended to impact every student
A school counselor is a professional, certified by the New York State Education Department as a School Counselor and licensed by the NYC Department of Education as a Guidance Counselor.
Where can I go for more information?
For more information use these links: